for small orchestra [2004] | duration: 15’00”
The two movements of this composition are reactions to my confrontation with death and attempts to free myself from the weight of these experiences. A few years ago, it was the final farewell of my friend and fellow composer, Haimo Wisser, that shook me up a lot; the second slow movement is dedicated to him. The opening piece reflects my emotional state during the last phase of my father’s life.
I experienced this time as one of extreme contrasts: light-dark, shrill-quiet, painful-peaceful, pulsating-slow motion. These emotions and the associated fluctuations have found their way into the music in the form of strong contrasts and antitheses.
As the confrontation with death makes us aware of the contradictions of reality more drastically than any other experience in life, the musical examination of this very contradictoriness came about as if of its own accord, especially as contemporary art in any case tends to address opposites rather than evoking superficial harmony.
Press (in german)
Martin Lichtfuss wollte sein 15-
Das Freischreiben gelang mit aller massiven Klanglichkeit und intimen Zärtlichkeit ebenso wie mit sinnlicher Leidenschaft und impulsivem Gestus. Lavierend zwischen tonal und atonal, im Wechsel von Klangentladungen und kleinen Inseln der Entspannung, lässt er, wie im wirklichen Leben, Stimmungen unvorhersehbar kippen und deutet luzid seelische Lichtblicke an, die zu erreichen man nie sicher sein kann.
Markus Hauser, Tiroler Tageszeitung 22-
Chamber Orchestra InnStrumenti; Conductor: Gerhard Sammer